Full stack Web Developer.
UTTARKHAN, DHAKA · +8801515691480 ·

I have professional working experience with Node JS, React JS,MongoDB, SASS, Typescript, PHP, Laravel, Codeigniter, Wordpress, Jquery, AJAX and MySQL.


1. Import Export Company Management (Tracking Expenses and products)

This project helps managing customers, bank, products and making sales report of each customer with multiple products and generates sales report with pdf. The sales report can be changed easily by admin.

Github Link
Laravel 5.8, Ajax, Mysql

2. University Convocation Registration with bkash payment

This is a successful project where 2888 students registered for Comilla University first Convocation 2020. I used laravel 5.8, jquery, bkash api for this project

Github Link
Laravel 5.8, Ajax, Mysql

3. Car shop

- Navigate URL without loading website - View 6 car list in home page - Customer can not order without registration - Registration manually (Name, Email, Password) - Customer can order car - Customer can cancel orders - Customer can add review - Admin or User both can view Dashboard - Admin can make anyone admin - Admin can manager order - Admin can Add or Delete cars

Github Link
React JS, Node JS, Express JS, MongoDB, Firebase Authentication

4. Travel Booking

- This is a travel booking app where users will be able to book any travel and also cancel it. User Authentication is need before booking.

Github Link
React JS, Node JS, Express JS, MongoDB, Firebase Authentication

5. Simple Javascript Store (BDSHOP)

- This is a simple javascript store product calculation

Github Link

Web Developer & Trainer


I trained students html, css, jquery, bootstrap, php, laravel and wordpress. Also I built some websites with wordpress.

January 2019 - Present

Web Developer & Co Founder

Roshodbari - Online Food Delivery Service

I developed the website with wordpress and woo-commerce plugin and established the online food delivery service in Comilla District with my team.

January 2019 - Present


BDOSN Comilla University Chapter

I was selected as the president of BDOSN Comilla University Chapter and organised several training events.

July 2019 - Present

Web Developer, RJ and Co-Founder

Radio Comilla University (

This is a media platform which was developed by me and organised by our team.

September 2017 - Present

Joint Secretary and Web Developer

Comilla University IT Society

Comilla University IT Society is a vast organisation of Comilla University. I organised different events on Robotics, programming and technical skills with my team. Also I developed the website of this organisation.

January 2016 - January 2020


Software Engineer

Bangladesh Japan IT (BJIT Group)

Started as probational software engineer. Key responsibility is to develop MERN stack projects, maintain agile scrum methodologies, Zira, Version control with git and git gerrit

Aug 2021 - Present

Web Developer

Mensa DigiWorld

I have completed some challenging projects with laravel with the team. I also built some websites with wordpress with payment system.

March 2019 - April 2020

Web Developer & Trainer


I trained students html, css, jquery, bootstrap, php, laravel and wordpress. Also I built some websites with wordpress.

January 2019 - Present

Web Developer & Co Founder

Roshodbari - Online Food Delivery Service

I developed the website with wordpress and woo-commerce plugin and established the online food delivery service in Comilla District with my team.

January 2019 - Present


BDOSN Comilla University Chapter

I was selected as the president of BDOSN Comilla University Chapter and organised several training events.

July 2019 - Present

Web Developer, RJ and Co-Founder

Radio Comilla University (

This is a media platform which was developed by me and organised by our team.

September 2017 - Present

Joint Secretary and Web Developer

Comilla University IT Society

Comilla University IT Society is a vast organisation of Comilla University. I organised different events on Robotics, programming and technical skills with my team. Also I developed the website of this organisation.

January 2016 - January 2020


Comilla University

Bachelor of Science (Engineering)
Computer Science and Engineering

Final Year Final Semester Completed, Result has not published yet

April 2015 - Present

Trust College


GPA: 5.00


Uttara High School And College


GPA: 5.00



Programming Languages & Tools
  • Responsive and User Friendly Web Design
  • Developing, Problem solving, Debugging with PHP, Javascript
  • Laravel with Rest API, AJAX, Payment Gateway
  • Wordpress customization with woo-commerce, elemetor, divi or any theme and plugins.


I love travelling, reading books and obviously learning new technologies.

Developing projects which can change the society and world is my another interest.